Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grocery Smarts Newbie

I'm in my 4th week of following the advice of this website. I've spent a lot of money, but I've saved even more. Last year I spent on average $650/month on groceries. That was just buying what I needed. No stocking up, clipping coupons, or just buying the deals. This month I spent $500, but I purchased $1460 worth of groceries. WOW! That's a savings of 66%. Of that savings, $300 was clipping coupons. That certainly makes up for the subscription to 6 newspapers.

So here's the scoop on today's best deals.

It's a little confusing but the bottom line is this:
BBQ sauce is 25 cents a bottle
Kraft salad dressing is FREE!
Chicken is $1.77/lb

Kraft has specials going for "Super Bowl" parties

Kraft BBQ sauce (18 oz) is $1.25
Kraft Salad dressings (16 oz) are $2

But if you purchase 3 of them you get $3 off your purchase of chicken (boneless skinless chicken breasts are $1.77/lb)

So I bought:

7.37 lbs of chicken for $1.77 each for a total of $13.05

I also bought 5 BBQ sauces and 4 salad dressings (9 items) for a total of $12.25 (I used a coupon for $1 off 2 salad dressings) with a $9 discount on the chicken.

plus Kraft salad dressing is offering $2 off your next purchase for every 4 bottles.

My total for the chicken and the Kraft products is $16.30 with $2 off my next order.

Orville Redenbacher popcorn is 25 cents a box (4 packages of popcorn)

If you buy one for $2.99 you get 3 for free.

But I used the $1 off 2 boxes coupons (I got 4 boxes so I used 2 coupons) then the boxes come to a total of 99 cents for all four boxes

Nabisco crackers are 99 cents a box (6.5 - 10 oz) + a free can of Easy Cheese (not my favorite, but Dave loves it)

Nabisco crackers are $1.99. But I used $2 off 2 boxes (I bought 12 boxes so I used 6 coupons). Plus, if you buy 3 boxes of Nabisco crackers, you get for free: Easy Cheese, velveeta, or Kraft cheese slices. So my total for 12 boxes of Triscuits (9oz) and 4 cans of Easy Cheese was $11.88.