Thursday, October 25, 2007

Birthday Season

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We celebrated Lydia's birthday a week early with Dave's family because Grandma and Grandpa will be taking Amtrak out to Maryland to visit with Clay and Alisa and family. We're glad they're able to go visit, but we'll miss them on Halloween. I guess we'll all have to do our trick-or-treating in our own neighborhoods this year.

Dave's birthday is the week after Lydia's. He'll be 36 this year. I'm embarrassed to admit I had to open the calculator to figure that out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Silly Jack

Jack is learning to speak. But I can't always understand him. The other day I gave him something and he said "Thank you." But I didn't understand. He said it again, and again I didn't understand. Finally he said "Thank you, you're welcome!" This time I understood. Funny he wasn't mad because I didn't understand. He was mad because I wasn't making the proper socially accepted response to his thank you.

Yesterday he was sitting on the potty (he's great at using it for #2, but not #1). I was really tired because I had tried to nap to make up for lost sleep caused by Jack. He wanted me to read a story, but since I had just woken up, I was reading in a tired monotone voice. He said to me "STOP! Happy!" He may not know all the words yet, but he know how to get his point across.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


I don't remember getting out this much when Jenny and Lydia were this little. Between Jenny and Lydia, we have practice or a game every night of the week! Mia loves to be outside, and Jack gets to play at the playground as long as the weather is good. Yesterday morning Lydia's coach (her dad) made her team practice during a rain/snow storm. It was cold!