Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Warm Weather

Yesterday morning as I was coming in from taking the girls to school, I saw the most wonderful thing that each spring has to offer. The crocuses next to the sidewalkare coming up. That means the mini-irises, daffodils, and hyacinths aren't far behind.

It's been nice and warm. Dave and the girls built several huge snowmen and snow forts last Sunday and the only thing left of them is a small nub of snow lefton the lawn. They may enjoy the snow and cold, but I prefer the spring - warmerweather, increased daylight, fragrant flowers, and the baby is almost here. Only39 days left. Only 38 days left of busy season for Dave. Only 120 hours of overtime,he tells me.

I hope the warm weather brings you as much happiness as it does me.

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