Thursday, June 08, 2006

Memorial Day 2006 - Fishing at the Trout Farm

Memorial Day 2006 - Fishing at the Trout Farm
Watermelon maniac

Lydia helps Chris with his catch

Jenny shows Jack how it's done

Thanks, April, for such a fun idea. This is a great way to share fun events with my extended family, as well as keep a journal. Being the mother of three, who works from home, and does all the soccer-mom stuff, I am a little busy. But I would rather sit at the computer sharing pictures and writing down my feelings than clean my house.

School just got out and I'm already going crazy. The girls (10 and 8) and I have worked out a system that will keep the house presentable, and they will get to do some fun stuff as well. They do chores and earn points, which are redeemable for fun outings such as going out for ice cream, going to the zoo, etc. I created the points in Word as "play money" with their faces on them. Jenny is on the 10, Lydia on the 5, and Jack is on the 1. They already used 35 points to have a sleepover at cousin, Tyler's house. The goal is to keep them motivated, busy, and happy, because they would rather just watch movies and play with friends (most kids are this way).

Jack (just turned 1) keeps everyone in the house laughing. Since he learned how to walk 2 months ago, he toddles around the house looking for things to get into. He is everything I thought a little boy would be-loud, busy, curious, and fun!! He's been using sign language for 2 months, and he already knows a lot of signs - eat, milk, cheese, water, dad, mom, sister, grandpa, grandma, bird, duck, horse, dog, cow, ball, more, please and thank you.

1 comment:

April said...

These pictures reminded me that I have some for you of your kids.

I'm glad that you have a blog! Now I'll know what's going on in your family. If we could just get Alisa and Marni going.....