Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The votes are in. The winner is...............
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Make a guess
As for what else has happened......
Jenny participated in her 5th grade "Waxless Wax Museum" Thursday night. Each student was assigned a person, place, or thing from the revolutionary war to portray. The wax students stood in the "museum" (school hall) and the parents walked through. If they were interested in learning more about that person, place, or thing, you pushed the button on the floor in front of them. Jenny was Abigail Adams. Fortunately we found an appropriate dress at Savers (thrift store). Unfortunately I forgot to take the camera with us to the museum, so I'll update the blog later with that. She was definitely the most beautiful girl in the museum.
Lydia participated in the school Geography Bee after winning in her classroom. She came in second place (last year she was disappointed in taking 4th because that meant no medal). All of her cramming really paid off - although, I'm not sure she will remember it all. Again, I forgot to take the camera to capture the exciting moment, so I will take a picture of the victor and her medal and update the blog later.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
We had fun celebrating Lydia's 9th birthday with friends and family October 28. And Sunday we celebrated Dave's birthday.
Today is November 7th - Voting Day. Lohra is in a heated race for the Salt Lake County Attorney's office. We are excited to go her victory party tonight after the kids go to bed.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
For all of you who read this blog, you will be informed of the secret that Jenny was so bad at keeping. About 2 weeks ago Dave and I told the girls that they are going to have another sibling, but that they aren't to tell anyone for a while. This week, I found out that Jenny immediately told her friends at church, who then told their parents. So much for secrets. Sorry that our entire ward knows our exciting news before family.
We are expecting a baby around the end of April, 2007. We were going to try for 7/7/07, but I jinxed us. In July, Grandma Barker had a "shop for free" where I gave away all my baby girl stuff. In August, I discovered that I am pregnant. If that's not a jinx, I don't know what is. With Jack, I had just given away my maternity clothes at Grandma Barker's "shop for free." So if any of you are having difficulties with conceiving, now you know the secret.
Oh yeah, I've been doing some Family History research that some of you might find interesting. Dad asked me to find information on a Moses Westberry, who is an ancestor of Grandma Flynn's (Opal). He was quite an important preacher in Georgia in the century prior to the Civil War (1805 - 1855). While doing this research, I came across a paper entitled "A Christian Justification of Slavery?"© by Cassandra Miller. It's a very interesting paper on how southern preachers justified the institution of slavery. Moses Westberry is not mentioned in this paper, but his uncle (?), the Rev. Richard Furman is mentioned. There is also a story of an ancestor who was a confederate soldier that was interesting. His name was James Harris.
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Cutest Kid in the West
Jenny and Lydia are back in school (picture day was yesterday). Jenny is in 5th grade and according to her teacher, she will be learning to be responsible this year. Wow! Is that possible. They are both playing soccer still, the fall season has just started. Jenny has had two games so far (and two wins-things are looking up for her team). She still plays goalie. She and her best friend, KensLee, switch off goalie and defense. Lydia also plays goalie, but she hasn't had any games yet (next week is the first). Her team is looking forward to taking revenge on the Wolfpack (their nemesis) who took first place at Ultimate Indoor during the summer.
I am staying busy with work. I'm still the Webelos Den Leader (with only one Webelo), and I have a fun new calling - I'll let you know when it's official. Dave is the new Scout Master (only two scouts). Wednesday he got to try out his new calling. He took the boys and other leaders to Speed Street (Gocart racing) as a reward for their progress at Scout Camp. That's the kind of calling I like. Handing out rewards without having to do the hard part.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Ward Campout
Last Friday night was our ward campout. Jenny, Jack, and I went up early, and Dave and Lydia joined us after Lydia's last game of the Weber County Fair Tournament. We played "Faith Factor."Jenny won her jump-rope competition and I won my "waking up late and getting dressed in a hurry" competition. They also had worm eating, baby food eating, and other fun stuff. After the fun, a thunderstorm came in, so we hurriedly got our beds ready, and pretended to go to bed. The storm passed, so we decided to play games in the pavilion with the "fun" ward members. Saturday morning we got up and played a game of soccer with all the youth in the camp. After the games some kids in the area brought their ponies over and let the little ones sit on them. Then we headed home for a day of rest (much needed after a week off soccer games and camping).
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The last week of SUMMER VACATION
Check out Dave's (Robert A.) comments about the ReAl Stadium.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
We sure had fun with Heidi and Katie visiting us!! Jenny and Lydia played with them all day Monday and Tuesday. Staying up waaayyyy too late and getting up early to go play with the horses. The picture above is the "Leopard Girls." They found some leopard print pajamas at the "shop for free" at Grandma Barker's on Saturday.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Troll Bogies?
I first must apologize for the disgustingness of this entry. Jenny took this picture of Lydia today after working on the horse farm up the street. Any of you who have ever worked on a farm, know that it creates the perfect condition for really disgusting boogers. But I never imagined something so HUGE to come out of someone so little. This is a genetic trait passed from father to daughter. I have nothing to do with it.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Hogle Zoo
Photo Ops at the Zoo
Tuesday we didn't have anything else going, so we headed out to the zoo. We were there early enough to catch all the shows (I don't think I've ever done that before). Jack loved all the animals. Jenny and Lydia loved the Red Pandas - they got to "meet the keeper" for one of the shows.
On a sad note, my Tivo unit died Sunday morning just a couple of hours before the world cup final. All my recordings are gone, and we didn't get to watch the world cup final. Turns out there wasn't much to watch anyway. I like to see more scoring - none of that overtime/penalty kick stuff. So, I lost all 8 episodes of the "Signing Time" that Jack likes so much. Now I have to start all over again. Luckily this week they start over again with the first episode.
We got our replacement DirecTV DVR (not Tivo) unit yesterday. I have to say DirecTV did a horrible thing leaving Tivo. Their new unit is horrible. It doesn't have any of the features that made the service so great. I'm very disappointed. Tivo has spoiled us.
Wednesday through Saturday this week, Jenny and Lydia are playing in the Rampage Classic tournament. They are both playing goalie, and doing a great job. Jenny's last game was this morning, and Lydia's last game is tomorrow, unless they win (which is a very good possibility). If they win, we will play a championship game on Saturday. Of course I will update you with pictures when we get our trophies!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Independence Day 2006
North Davis Prep Choir 4th of July Float
Monday night (July 3) Jenny and Lydia sang at the Layton "Voices of Liberty" concert. Our choir of 38 students looked great in their vests and they sounded better than any of the other 4 choirs.
Tuesday Jenny and Lydia were in the Layton City Parade. They had a lot of fun, singing their hearts out to the parade watchers. Jenny got to sit in the back of the truck with Camille because they are the oldest kids. Lydia is sitting on the float close to the front with a red visor. The float was put together by the choir parents. They did a great job!! It's amazing what you can do when you get so many people to work together.
After the parade we had a delicious lunch at Jamie and Marni's - we love Jamie's bar-b-cue!! The kids had so much fun playing with Adam, Sam, Melanie, and Caroline. Then we went home for a much needed nap. (We were up until 11:00 at the concert the night before and up in time to be in the parade)
Before we napped, the weather decided to give us a scare. We had a great thunderstorm with microbursts. The grill was knocked over and all the chairs were blowing away when we ran outside. Dave fought with the grill, while I rounded up all the chairs. We got up from our naps to go to watch the Kaysville fireworks from Chris and Karin's front yard. They have a very nice apartment across the street from DATC.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Independence Weekend
After the breakfast, Dave and Dad A. ran all the wiring in the basement, while I organized the food room. I'm getting excited to get the basement finished. We also got the cucumbers planted, along with some carrots and more peas.
Sunday night we had our annual neighborhood "Cul-de-sac of Fire." Dave had fun lighting off his fireworks "from that other state" for the whole neighborhood to see.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Gardening Blues
The peas are all gone. I pulled the plants out of the ground this morning. Dave is very sad. We like having fresh peas. But the raspberries are coming on strong. I get about 3 cups of raspberries every few days, and the girls love to help pick them (Jack helps, too, but he mostly just eats them). Soon the tomatoes will be ripe and we'll be making fresh salsa every couple of days. I guess I'll be planting cucumbers tomorrow. MMmmmmmm..... cucumber and tomato sandwiches for lunch!!!!
Yesterday we all went to the dentist and those of us who are near sighted, went to the eye doctor. What a long day. Jenny got contacts for the first time. And we found out that Lydia does not have any permanent upper lateral incisors (you'll have to look it up http://www.dentistry.leeds.ac.uk/oroface/teeth/map1.html) and that's why she has not lost any teeth since kindergarten. Jack, of course, is too young for any of that stuff yet, but he definitely has good eyesight, hearing, and 12 teeth. This morning he stole the nectarine out of Dave's lunch while Dave was getting dressed. He ate the entire thing right off the pit.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Crazy Cousins
Friday, June 16, 2006
3v3 Kick-It Tournament
Lydia's team took 2nd place in the 3v3 Kick-it Tournament last Saturday. That is awesome, considering the 1st place team has been beating other teams 20 - 0. They were only down by 1 in the last couple of minutes, when they lost their substitute player to heat exhaustion (hope your feeling better, McCall) and another player got injured.
Jenny and Lydia will both be playing in the Redox Preston Cup on June 30.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Memorial Day 2006 - Fishing at the Trout Farm
Jenny shows Jack how it's done
Thanks, April, for such a fun idea. This is a great way to share fun events with my extended family, as well as keep a journal. Being the mother of three, who works from home, and does all the soccer-mom stuff, I am a little busy. But I would rather sit at the computer sharing pictures and writing down my feelings than clean my house.
Jack (just turned 1) keeps everyone in the house laughing. Since he learned how to walk 2 months ago, he toddles around the house looking for things to get into. He is everything I thought a little boy would be-loud, busy, curious, and fun!! He's been using sign language for 2 months, and he already knows a lot of signs - eat, milk, cheese, water, dad, mom, sister, grandpa, grandma, bird, duck, horse, dog, cow, ball, more, please and thank you.